

IMGP0666,原由 dd-anne 上載。

orz.... I can neither edit my blog nor even open it... but I still can post through flickr.
All the proxies are disabled, thanks to the powerful GFW.(great fire wall of China)

Although the project to install Green Dam on every PC is shut down, but the F gov never give up. I saw a news said that now, they focus on the servers. All servers will be installed a software, which called ' Chinese Shield' ( I saw another news called it as 'blue shield'.) Maybe this shield has already been working.

I have to found a new blog temporarily, maybe I will go back to my first blog which at blogbus (http://fairygarden.blogbus.com/) ...I like blogspot, if I can come back, I will.

My friend, a highschool teacher, said some data websites they need are blocked too. The students can't finish their article without these data, so they have nothing to do now.

...It really sucks.

不做亏心事,不怕鬼敲门。老佛爷到底做了多少亏心事,乃至六十大寿的时候担心害怕到如此大范围的无差别攻击?= =|||

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