

My cat, Miaomiao went out yesterday morning and hasn't come back. She often rushes out for playing when I open the door,receiving a package, but she comes back in just half an hour!
Now, about 36 hours passed, I can't find her anywhere. I think she might be trapped in someone's home, or lost outside. I think I heard some cat's miaowing but it's too light to recognize where the voice comes from, or it is just my hallucination...
I'm very worried. Does she has food and clean water now? Does she has a place to sleep? It's really fronze outside. Or is she still alive? The cars in neibhourhood are dangerous, several cats have been run over...
Everytime I open the door, hoping she is right there as usual, but everytime it's empty there. It's sad. She might be here within 50 meters, but I can't find her.TvT

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