
Dec.30 2008

I tried casting this afternoon. It's strange that the color of resin changed...but I like this white more than snow one.^^
And I'm lucky that the air bubbles in mold don't affect the resin parts.

I'm wondering why I am always experiencing those strange accidents.- -||| The god likes to kid me...



Dec.28 2008

It started to rain after my pump came back...
But the weather report said the weather would be fine after Monday.
I checked the mold I mentioned on Dec.17.
Not too bad. ^^ I will try cast on Tuesday.

My friend gave me some chocolates on Saturday.XD



Dec.25 2008

My vacuum pump came home today...

I will start to prepare big girls.

I didn't update a lot here...since I was used to write work diary at the end of a day, but now, it's too cold to sit before computer at night. @.@


Dec.21 2008

I'm quite free since my vacuum pump was down...
Then, I made clothes for Urami.^^

The pump will come back soon, I hope I can start cast work as soon as possible.><


Dec.17 2008

Bad news!

My vacuum pump went wrong this morning. It didn't work suddently, although it worked well just several seconds before its down. The last 300g silicone I poured into the mold has many air bubbles...


Have a close look...Oh!NOOOO! It cost me about 1500g silicone. If only the pump worked one more minute or even 30 seconds, the mold would be done. Now, I hope these air bubbles in the last 300g silicone don't affect too much, otherwise I have to redo the mold. That wastes time and silicone...


I phoned the shop at once. They told me it might because something plug inside pump. They will take my pump away tomorrow and clean it in the factory later. My pump will come back next Monday or Tuesday...

Just have to say...not too bad...if they can repair it. The repair fee is not as high as I've thought.

Hope everything go well later.


Dec.15 2008

I will make new molds tomorrow.><


Dec.12 2008

The improvement work on legs is nearly finished. I'm going to spend 2 days to sand them smooth, then, I will start to make new molds and cast dolls.^^

Japanese RIHO Doll Exhibition

I went to the exhibition with my friend on Tuesday. I took few photos since I think my aim is to remember them with my own eyes carefully.^^ And I've already seen beautiful photos taken by other visitors.

These two are my favorite.

Japanese RIHO Doll Exhibition

Japanese RIHO Doll Exhibition

Most dolls in exhibition are as tall as real human. I only have photos of legs...

Japanese RIHO Doll Exhibition

Japanese RIHO Doll Exhibition

I took Qiiro with me to exhibition, but I didn't let her out until we were in KFC.



Zombie babies No.4&5 twins Tenten will be released soon.^^



Dec.08 2008

I need to show some photos.><


This is what I'm doing these days. Adjust the legs...Hope you like them^^



Dec 07 2008

Adjust girls legs.XD


Dec.02 2008

Maybe my soul is not in my body these days...

I will move attention on doll making tomorrow. ><